

Knee Rehabilitation using Knee Flexors and Extensors


Introduction to knee rehabilitation:

Knee flexors and knee extensors play an important role in Knee Rehabilitation. In isometric knee co-contractions. There is no significant difference in muscle activity found in any of the arcs tested. 

Strengthening Exercises in knee rehabilitation :

Knee flexion and extension movements may be combined in half crook side­ lying and high sitting. For example: High sitting (table or bench), single or double Knee bending, stretching, and return to starting position.

  • For use when the range of Knee flexion is less than 45°
  • when the range of Knee flexion is between 45° and 90°
  • Applicable when the range of Knee flexion is over 90°


For use when the range of Knee flexion is less than 45°:

1. Lying; affected Knee raising with heel in contact with supporting surface so patient feels at ease. 

2. Half crook side-lying; for example: affected Knee bending and stretching continuously to a given count. 

3. Prone lying; For example, alternate Knee bending. 

4. High sitting (plinth: heels resting on stool, with knees flexed); for instance: alternate Knee stretching. Heat Therapy Physiological Effects in Physiotherapy

For use in Knee Rehabilitation when the range of Knee flexion is between 45° and 90°:

1. Lying; affected Knee raising with heel in contact with supporting surface .  

2. High sitting (table or bench); for example: alternate Knee stretching. 

3. As above; alternate lower Leg swinging with Ankle bending and consequently stretching occurs  

4. High sitting (table or bench); for example: affected Knee attempted bending beyond stiff zone, and slow recoil as well. 

5. Prone kneeling (knee position modified if necessary). Trunk moving backwards and forwards, but with rhythmical pressing to a given count at end of backwards movement. 

6. Short walk-forwards standing (hands on forward knee). For example: small range bending and stretching of forward knee. 

7. Low grasp inclined long sitting (balance bench). For instance, single high Knee raising, attempting to touch front edge of bench with heel. 

8. Bend grasp high standing (wall bars). Knee bending and stretching with consequently Hand travelling down and up the bars. 

For use in knee Rehabilitation when the range of Knee flexion is over 90°:

1-2. Omitted. 

3. Prone lying; For example: alternate Knee bending

4. High sitting (table or bench). Alternate lower Leg swinging forwards and backwards as a result Ankle bending and stretching occurs.

5. High sitting (table or bench). Affected Knee bending as far as possible, and consequently slow recoil.

6. Prone kneeling: For example backwards and forward movement occurs.

7. Fallout forwards standing (hands on forward knee). Small range bending and stretching of forward knee occurs as a result of forward standing. 

8. As Exercise, for instance

9. Bend grasp high standing (wall bars). Knee bending and stretching results because of Hand travelling down and up the bars. 

10. Lax stoop half kneeling (hands on floor). small range bending and stretching of forward knee occurs as a result of stoop half kneeling.

11. Forearm reach grasp kneeling (wall bars). Attempting to assume kneel sitting, for instance.

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